Saturday, January 31, 2009

Joy! Joy!

The Joy T-Shirt.

Every face on a Joy T- Shirt has been inspired by a real person. When you
wear your shirt you are encouraged to think about that person and how
your everyday actions can affect others and the world we live in.

After you purchase a shirt you may then upload a photo of your own
visage via the participate link to have your face drawn by hand and
worn on the hearts of others. It is about taking an active stance against racism and discrimination while being an advocate for peace and equality... because in someway or another, we are all connected!

I absolutely love the concept of this. I originally found it right before the horrible xenophobic attacks happened here in SA. I still haven't really been able to write about those. I just had too many nightmares maybe...
At last I'm finally getting around to posting this now :)

There are GOOD people out there, and damnit... we DO outnumber the bad.

Here are some of my favourites that I found and wouldn't mind on a t-shirt

Katie Deedy

Country: USA

City: Atlanta

Age: 26

in Life: Participating and putting myself out there! I'm a bartender in
Brooklyn and make my own hand-printed wallpaper, and try to make the
best out of both. My biggest passion? Never giving up.

Cookie Leech

Country: UK

City: Wales

Passion: Sports footwear, mojitoís and house music.

even found a Saffa!

Gareth Ramsay

Country: South Africa

City: Durbin

Age: 25

Passion: Shoes, cigars, hip hop, jazz, a fine glass of scotch,
cruisin with friends, humanitarians, promoting peace and equality,

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