Friday, November 04, 2011

Ch ch chaaanges

"Where have you been?"
I can hear all of you* asking me and I have a couple excuses lined up. Oh yes. Prepare yourself.

The last two weeks of October were an interesting time to say the least. I think I should stop giving people the advice that change is a good thing. It just seems to invite MORE changes into my own life. I have enough thanks!
Next time I should qualify it a bit more. "Don't worry! Change is always a good thing! For you mind you... not for me. I hate change, it's very stressful. But yeah for you, change is awesome! Do it!"
Here follows a list of some of the kinds of things I'm talking about:

Changed Jobs:
Thats right! I'm no longer in the mad world of publishing! instead I'm in the interesting world of people selling pots and things! Now that it's day 4 and I'm feeling a bit more settled with Lefty, my pot plant, in place and all... I'm starting to enjoy it! Minus the mishap of sitting through a meeting with my left eye's make-up actually sitting on my cheek – it's going well.

Finished Studies (for now):
Egad! what a disaster! I got it all wrong and thought my deadline for my studies was the 22 November. That would have already been quite tight as deadlines go since I'd been procrastinating quite nicely and would have needed to get it done before my trip (see the next point). Turned out my deadline for my project was actually the 28th of October. Nearly a whole month earlier than I'd thought. What a genius.
So I sucked it up, let go of my urge to sleep till it all passed, then let go of sleep all together really, cheated a LITTLE by using Dreamweaver to get the design moving and actually handed it in!

Applied, got my ancestral visa and am going to UK:
THIS is my favourite news so far! I am so very very very excited to finally be doing this. So far things on the agenda are a supper with Al and Michelle before they get married, a roller-disco night for my birthday present because Tam and Luce ROCK! Seeing Eugene and Hyo Jeung which I'm so excited for as well, AND then a fun bus trip down to cornwall to see my mom's family which I've ALWAYS wanted to do! I'm going to try and see if I find time to look up some addresses on our family tree as well and see if some things are still standing... you never know!

oh yes...
and I may have bought a house.
But this post is stupid long already so I'll save THAT saga for when it's more official.

OH OK! One more time... "Change IS good." Damn you wise ol' Mark Twain.

* I love to pretend it's not just me out there. ;)

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