Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Pinterest Predictions

Some people see signs in everything. Some people are also completely paranoid and delusional... but I like to think that you can be a more positive version within the delusional bracket too. That surely can't be too bad a thing to be can it?
Well I hope so... I don't always like to think of myself as totally batty. 

As it is, I already try to reign myself in when it comes to "seeing things". The problem starts because it's actually quite a comforting thing to do. 

THIS was a particularly rough Monday. 
THESE are the signs and advice that let me know it'll all be OK. 
Sometimes being a little crazy and taking comfort from signs that the Internet sends you is a fine way to be.

(SIDE NOTE: Also, my mom really did sing this to me all the time! I've always been that little bit awful at handling unexpected things life has thrown at me. :) Must be why I'm always being given so much to practise on...)

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