Thursday, February 17, 2011

I still hope...

I still hope to see THIS beautiful place in real life one day, and the chance that it might just be sooner than I ever originally imagined is in itself a very exciting thought!
Holding thumbs!

This'll do in the meantime though - A clickable swivelly interior with choir and all.
The Vatican provides...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I think I have a new favourite site to visit for a while! Fast Company.
I was put onto it by N, who sent it to me as another link to help with my investigations as to which tablet I'm eventually going to buy (in my dreams).

What a great site. I particularly loved this short film:

I wish I'd seen this video yesterday, so I could've told my valentine that I wanted to passionately juxtapose my orbicularis oris muscles against hers. (Well, maybe it was a blessing that I didn't see it in time.) Anyway, the factoids are still fun: 90 seconds of scientific and cultural tidbits about kissing, presented in animated infographic form. Watch and learn:
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