Wednesday, February 17, 2010

T-Rex Syndrome and it's affects on yoga practices

I've often used the term T-Rex syndrome while grumping about challenges my body presents me with from time to time.
This is how it usually goes.
I feel that I have rather large hip bones. And I'm not complaining about the width of my hips, don't get me wrong. I'm not confusing my bum size with bone size and therefore blaming some growth in the derriere area over the last few years on my bone structure. (I eat enough to have figured out that I might be personally responsible for any development there *grin*)
I mean that the actual length/height of the bone in comparison to my spine and ribcage means that there seems to, literally, not be any space for me to work on getting that gradual indentation normal people get to call a waist.

The latest complaint however revolves around yoga. It's not exactly a secret that my most recent attempt in bettering myself isn't bringing me the peace and serenity yet that I'd thought was pretty much part of the contract when you step into a class. In fact poor Neil was possibly one small step away from begging me NOT to try another class. (Think how moody I must have been for a boy to ask me NOT to take a class which generally leads to people becoming more flexible...)
But the weird unleashing of moods aside, the main thing that's bothering me with yoga is that the simplest exercise, which involves lifting my bum off the floor by just straightening my arms, is impossible! Sitting with my back straight, my shoulders down and then straightening out my arms results in only lifting myself one measly excuse for a cm off the ground. Not nearly enough to then swing back and forth. I've now started nervously laughing whenever I sense a similar exercise coming my way. I don't know whether it's my arms which are too short, or my spine, or if my legs are just completely disproportionate to my upper body and therefore impossible to move, but this is going to be filed right there under T-Rex syndrome.

Grrr. Arrrrr.

Posted via email from keyna_b's posterous

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cheesy Pick-up Lines to Use on Graphic Designers

Wow, there were a LOT of bad ones and due to my fragile state of late I'm regressing to a more prudish me. In other words I whittled them down to 9 cheesies and none of them too rude.
Hah. Spoilsport? Me?
  1. I wish I had an Eyedropper to capture the color of your eyes.

  2. Has anybody ever told you that your teeth have perfect kerning?

  3. Come back to my place and I’ll show you a really naughty way to fill up some negative space.

  4. If I went to a stock photography site and typed in the keyword: “sexy”, I bet there’d be a picture of you.

  5. Just looking at you from across the bar, I could tell you display high Brightness and Vibrance, and have multiple Layers.

  6. You look perfectly put together. Do you display this well in IE?

  7. I like my fonts sans-serif, and you sans-pants.

  8. I dig your look and feel.

  9. Do you want to touch my Bézier curves?

Also while looking for a nice image for this post I think I may have found a new favourite photographer. Love her stuff. Meet miss Annelie Solis

Posted via email from keyna_b's posterous

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Doo doo it for love?

Ah good. Another most useful gadget that's managed to surprise me from Japan.

It landed in my inbox as one of a list of cute offbeat valentine's gift ideas. I suppose it definitely has a point. Nobody I know can tell me it's not embarrassing to go to the bathroom when you're certain other people will be able to hear you. But then I hope this thing sounds real because is it not going to be extra weird if they hear tinny fake toilet flushing noises coming from the bathroom either?
What's more, Amelia had a point. They say it's small and clips easily to your mobile, but is this then assuming that we all take our phones into the loo with us as well?

If you're wondering about the version via the link that has the green logo on it, it's because this is an environmentally friendly gadget don't you know.

"...after all, this little device means you won't have to flush for real and thus saves water."

We love you Japan.

via daily candy

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