Whats weird and kept popping into my head the whole time as i saw him walking around, checking up on things and chatting to people is that the person who seems mainly responsible for this great great venue, is the same guy who seemed to have such gawd-awful friends back in high school and who seemed to be SO on the side of the popular, current, cool and just socially eeevil meanie-meanertons that Tracey, Mel and I encountered on the infamous Bergvliet ovs tour :)
It's weird to see, uncomfortable to remember, but also GOOD to realise how much time can change things!
your very first shortly realised perceptions of people could often be wrong and some people CAN seem to change and so can you!
I think this is my major lesson I'm learning in 2008.
People can change.
Some for good, some bad.
But i personally have to learn to let go. Try let go of the things people did in the far away past to hurt, but also let go of those who become hurtful :)
darn balance!
so hard to achieve :)

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