Monday, January 09, 2012

Dear 2012

First, a small confession about my NYE post. I actually wrote it just before I rushed out to a 3hour car ride to Struisbaai where I knew I'd have no real internet connection to write something up.
This doesn't really make any difference I reasoned, since it was all reflection on 2011 and I was quite convinced that everything that could happen was pretty much wrapped up 3 days before all our calendars flipped over to 2012.

I still feel fond emotions for 2011 as it treated me quite kindly, but not so much all my friends and family. Seems some rather ridiculous things waited to happen in the last 2 months to people that I only just recently heard about. So here is an extra post... and a small request.

Dear 2012, 
Please be a little kinder to all my close friends and family. I hold them dear because they're already so strong and have proved themselves survivors of sadness and heartache. Could we give those two themes a break and bless them all with happier moments in the months to come. Chat to your friend Karma, because I'm pretty sure she has a lot of debts to pay up – she seems to be fond of slacking.
My friends are beautiful enough...

This song is dedicated to The League (which contains an extraordinary gentleman...).

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