Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Iiit's Aliiiiiiive...

I'm a bit of a geek. I suppose though that if you've read bits of my blog, some of my previous posts may have hinted at this a bit.
Recently, tragedy struck. My 1TB passport hardrive, hopped a mere 10cm off where I'd unthinkingly placed it. Those 10cm were apparently the equivalent to plummeting of a cliff. It's irretrievably busted.

Holy hell. To say that I was upset would really be an understatement. Although I don't afford many... my gadgets and gear become instantly precious! Like pets! Or friends even! Yes I know this is ridiculous, but if you saw how much I love my robotic vacuum cleaner you would possibly understand a bit better. Tech becomes such a part of my life, I think I get a bit blurry when it comes to whether they're just mindless mechanicals,` or whether my laptop can actually hear me when I beg it to work faster and is just in a mood if I try and make it do too many tasks at once.

Here is an artist who's thought about the question "what if technology were alive". Not only do I love his illustrative style, but it also makes me feel a bit better about my urges to try and desperately perform some kind of CPR on my hardrive that day. That sad, sad, aweful day...

via Trendland

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