Monday, January 24, 2011

"Don't ever get used to it..."

I'm a blog junkie. I'm not entirely sure I could help myself to quit, and to be honest, I do think I'm border-lining on the whole web-addict thing that seems to be plagueing facebook vampire teens around the world and a little place called, oh, the whole of Japan (at least that's what the weird news reports seem to be saying)
If you've written something interesting and I've happened to stumble accross it, chances are you'll get a notification to say one Keyna B is now following your blog.

Yes there's a bunch of nonsense being put on the web, and not every post by the hundreds of people I follow is going to win any prizes, but I love the feeling of browsing through other people's creative moments and often finding something that feels like it's been written almost to you. Sometimes it can feel like it's even been written about the day you've been having or just survived.

Here's just one of those moments. via CokeTalk and dedicated to one or two good friends going through a rough time. The first two points feel a bit like the past, but I think point number three is the one I can honestly say I'm realising more and more each day!

Three pieces of advice I'm about to give other people that I would do well to remember myself::

1. You can’t be crippled by an emotion unless you’re the one doing it to yourself.

2. Just because your issues have a name it doesn’t mean you’re aware of them.

3. Assholes are gonna violate the social contract. You can come to expect it. You can even be prepared for it, but don’t ever get used to it.

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