Friday, March 25, 2011

Earth Hour 2011

Do not forget people, it's Earth Hour this Saturday 8pm!

Last year, at the B residence, we sat in the bottom flat, in the pitch dark, with bottles of wine and watched as whole sections of the the pinpoint light carpet I love so much blinked out. It was fantastic!
And not just because I consumed way more wine than was necessary...

There's nothing to do with the lights out, except to sit still and appreciate the company you've found to spend that hour with. It's a moment (if you're like me) to just take a breather and let your head quieten. Listen to something or someone else other than the whirling craziness that can take over inside. If you know us personally, you'll be shocked to hear that it all seemed so hushed and calm that the B girls even spoke in whispers and tried to giggle as quietly as possibly. I did mention there was wine right?

This year The Dad has built a deck and I'm thinking that could be the new spot for this year.

There will of course not be ONE light on in our home. No way. Because don't think the scenario in this youtube video hasn't occurred to me before... *shudder*

1 comment:

Simon Tamblyn said...

I missed most of it, but made up for it with an hour as soon as I realised I had. It is nice to be in the dark and everywhere is quiet.

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