Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My inner teenager rebels...

but not too much.

I never quite got the rebelling thing down when I was younger. Being a horrid cheeky brat to my mother I aced – sneaking out, smoking or lying about boys, I left all that to my peers.

It's not that I didn't think about it, but I settled into who I really was quite early. A clumsy (there goes sneaking), slightly ocd (cannot handle the feel of a cigarette in my hand without wanting to wash) socially awkward ("how DOES one speak to boys anyway?") girl who would later become a similar adult! WIN!

SO it's hard to relate to the Hoodies who were the terror of London last year. My mother wouldn't even allow me to go to the mall 5km's away without submitting an itinerary of my plans for approval.
However the moment I read this post on Gizmodo "Acne Enhancing Pink Lighting Used To Deter Loitering Youths" the teenager in me panicked completely!

Pffft! Ah hell... I guess let them do it actually. It may be a little cruel, sure... but if it works and stops some of the nonsense going on then that HAS to be a good thing right? Scared citizens can now walk safely toward the pastel pink light!

Just a few questions:
Won't the pink lights look a little like "red lights" and lead to some awful confusion?
and as the article jokes "it does nothing to deter the more attractive teens who aren't dealing with the unfortunate side effects of puberty."
So will the "mean girls" and boys of our high school years still be able to prowl around? Will the world ever be fair? damn.

I still think my mom should hold seminars with new parents as to how to encourage your child into the geeky/nerd way of life. They'll suffer only mildly (and perhaps hold a few strange grudges into adulthood) but they WILL thank you for it later. Or at least I do...

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