Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Doo doo it for love?

Ah good. Another most useful gadget that's managed to surprise me from Japan.

It landed in my inbox as one of a list of cute offbeat valentine's gift ideas. I suppose it definitely has a point. Nobody I know can tell me it's not embarrassing to go to the bathroom when you're certain other people will be able to hear you. But then I hope this thing sounds real because is it not going to be extra weird if they hear tinny fake toilet flushing noises coming from the bathroom either?
What's more, Amelia had a point. They say it's small and clips easily to your mobile, but is this then assuming that we all take our phones into the loo with us as well?

If you're wondering about the version via the link that has the green logo on it, it's because this is an environmentally friendly gadget don't you know.

"...after all, this little device means you won't have to flush for real and thus saves water."

We love you Japan.

via daily candy

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